良い同盟のためのブロックチェーン (BGA) Web3 を統合して社会的影響を与える, Bybit Web3 を使用して Blockchain Life Dubai で発表, ハーバードブロックチェーンクラブ, ソラナ財団, モレダオ, アプトス, ICP.ハブ アラブ首長国連邦, 主要パートナーとしての Alchemy Pay

プレスリリース. Dubai, 15 4月 2024 – The Blockchain for Good Alliance (BGA) officially announces its launch today, marking a significant step forward in the mission to leverage blockchain technology for social good. BGA has partnered with leading entities in the

House of Streams がビットコイン賞金付きの史上初のライブ インタラクティブ リアリティ ショーを発表, グローバルストリーマー, リアリティ TV を再定義するライブ ファン エンゲージメントの設定

プレスリリース. MALTAMarch 28th, 2024 – At the forefront of entertainment innovation, Stream House Media Productions™, at https://www.shrimp.co/, announces the release date for its reality docuseries, slated to premiere in the spring of 2024. This production marks a one-of-a-kind

GDAキャピタル (GDA) インフルエンサー マーケティングの未来への冒険, 国際流通サポートを備えた主要ベンチャーキャピタルパートナーとしてチャープリーを支援

プレスリリース. Toronto, March 27th — GDA Capital, a prominent player in the digital innovation landscape, proudly announces its strategic move into the realm of influencer marketing by becoming a strategic backer for Chirpley, a groundbreaking influencer marketplace. The partnership includes

LBank Labsのモロッコ金融都市カサブランカへの戦略的拡大: 従業員福利厚生の強化とグローバルパートナーシップによる先見性のある取り組み

プレスリリース. In the challenging global financial climate of 2023, LBank Labs, a $100 million fund and Fund of Funds, has made a strategic move by establishing its presence in Morocco. This decision, led by El Bachir Essamari and robustly supported

ATPBot Launched a Real AI Quantitative Trading Bot

プレスリリース. 最近, ATPBot, the first truly quantitative trading bot, announced that it can now connect to the Binance API for trading, providing users with more opportunities to trade cryptocurrencies. By registering ATPBot, connect to Binance Exchange, enter your investment amount

Large Immersion Cooled Crypto Mining Farms to Extract Bitcoin in Middle East Desert

A project to build two large-scale facilities for cryptocurrency mining is underway in the United Arab Emirates (アラブ首長国連邦). The high-tech data centers will rely on a full immersion solution to cool the power-hungry miners as the desert climate renders air-cooled mining

「考えられる取引の種類は非常に多様」 — ナカモト氏とアンドレセン氏の会話を振り返る

ビットコインのメモリプール, ネットワークのトランザクション バックログとも呼ばれます, まだオーバーが詰まっています 390,000 マイナーによる処理を待っているトランザクション. メンプールをクリアするには, より多い 190 ブロックを採掘する必要がある. スケーリングの問題が続く中、…

Bitcoin Community Divided: Scaling Challenges Trigger Intense Debate as Mempool Overflows

今週, the Bitcoin community has been abuzz with discussions about the network’s scaling challenges. As the blockchain’s transfer fees continue to surge, the backlog of transactions stuck in the mempool has hit an unprecedented high. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (雲母). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Golden Gate (GGX) Developer Insights and Novel DeFi

プレスリリース. Golden Gate (GGX) is a novel interchain infrastructure protocol that eliminates Layer 0 communication friction by delivering protocol-agnostic communications and more secure liquidity transfer. Golden Gate mediates interchain communication via the Incentivized Message Delivery Protocol (IMDP), which uses a